Before the Performance

This blog is to note how I am feeling prior to our performance. To be honest, I think that I am feeling overall fairly confident though there are some traces of nerves and even doubt. I have never performed like this before - the idea of telling someone else's story in front of others is rather daunting and puts on some pressure. My main worry is that my performance won't resonate with the person that it is about, but that is a bridge that we will cross later should it come to it. I know that the best that I can do is to practice as much as possible and to put my all into it.

It is interesting to perform in a way that is so different than what I am used to. Typically, my performances come in the form of presentations to jurors where I get constructive criticism and sometimes even harsh feedback - the architecture and design world really does have some hardasses. I am excited to perform in a way that feels less rigid and structured to me and to instead feel more comfortable in a crowd where I will not be judged so harshly.


Creating a Show Out of Other People's Stories


Evolving Relationships