Taking in Someone Else's Trauma

I have also been someone to stress about other people. I am a constant worrier and let other people's struggles sit heavy on my own shoulders. I care so deeply that I make myself sick thinking about the idea that I can't always help everyone I love. This is something that was lingering in the back of my mind the entire first few weeks of this class. Going in knowing that the people that would be telling their stories would be sharing their personal challenges caused a lot of added worry in my head. However, very early on one of my professors, Peggy explained her process of not burdening herself with other people's trauma. She explained that she imagines this invisible tether connecting her to the person she is talking with through their belly buttons. The tether creates a safe place for the person to share and feel heard; however, at the end of the conversation, Peggy can snip the tether and the story is still there but the connection is gone. This stuck with me the entire semester and allowed me to share someone's story without having it sit as a weight on my shoulders. It also let me realize that these people are more than just their trauma. They are beautiful souls who have incredible lives outside of their negative experiences.


Serving Those Around Us


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