
My experience telling stories before this class consisted of simple campfire stories that had little to no meaning. So, coming into this course and learning that I would have to write a monologue on a person's life story. Especially a persons story that was not an easy or peaceful life. The stress of having to represent someone that was not not me as well as having to try and put their thoughts and emotion into writing was intense.

However my professors in my Dramatizing the Data course this semester really helped me to read peoples stories and put myself in their shoes. This idea encouraged me and inspired me to write a good monologue that represented the person I was listening to. Putting myself in others shoes also helped me when it came to performing the monologue. Every time I would practice the monologue I would think how would this person be feeling in this moment and how would this effect how I should be acting during the performance. This idea also gave me a lot of confidence and helped me stand up and perform in front of the audience. I will definitely use this knowledge in the future whenever I have to perform of write a speech that is not about myself.


How to Listen


A New Style of Teaching